Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Digging Deep

The countdown to the Holiday break is on!

Block 4 exams are over and now it's final exam prep time.
Time to dig deep and find those last drops of energy we aren't sure we really have.  Time to lean on the resilience that we've all been building up during our time on the island.  Just when we thought we had nothing left to give, we had to jump right back into the thick of things to prepare for final exams.  I would be lying if I said it wasn't difficult but it's not impossible.  We each have so much inner strength (and faith) that comes out when we need it most; like now.

Our families and friends are waiting for us to rejoin the land of the living; waiting for us to respond to emails, texts, phone calls and Facebook messages.  Once we reconnect with them, all of the stress and struggles of the last few months will be a distant memory. 

I pray the the time goes by quickly so we can get the break started, yet slowly so we have time to review everything.  From 15 weeks of classes I'm guessing we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 5,000-7,000 Power Point slides to review for final exams!!  Guess I better get to it!

Six more days and we're done...