We are learning so much it's ridiculous, in a good way! All of the Attendings, outside Preceptors and our Senior Residents are in to teaching and making us better Physicians. With that being said...I can't lie, I am totally looking forward to Intern Year being over. The schedule is hectic. I never seem to get enough sleep. Some days, ok weeks, I feel like I'm failing at adulthood with laundry piled high and an empty fridge. And I'm looking forward to not working as many weekends.
All I can do is Thank GOD for my people!!! My Co-Interns make everything better! If it wasn't for them, I'd be a mess. We keep each other sane during the crazy times, have each other's backs at all times, celebrate any occasion big or small (even making it thru another month is grounds to celebrate!) and enjoy Milwaukee whenever we can!
While there's been a lot of work these first 6 months, we have managed to squeeze in some fun as well. Our Clinic and Residency Program is very involved in the local community. We hosted a tea party for some of the older ladies in the surrounding area, put on an EPIC Halloween party for the neighborhood children and their families-complete with haunted house, unlimited candy, cookie decorating, arts & crafts and more! We've had time to jump double dutch, hang out at the Wisconsin State Fair-and sample some amazing eats!, held our annual Resident Retreat in Sheboygan, WI and celebrated birthdays, holidays, weddings, and engagements (including my own!!! woot, woot!)
The crazy thing is, that while so many of these things were going on, we also just wrapped up Interview Season. It feels like just a short time ago, WE were interviewing for the job and now we're helping to select the next class of Residents.
All this to say, Intern Year is hectic but I have no regrets and I'm looking forward to what the next 6 months is all about!!!
The Intern Crew
(Before we really knew what we were getting ourselves into!)
Wisconsin State Fair
I have ZERO shame!!!! The jumbo cream puff was delish!
The latest Ad to help Nurse Jenny Recruit fresh meat...
I mean the New Class of Residents =)
Afternoon Tea Party (Complete with Fancy Hats)
Halloween Party
Early morning travels to work
Holiday Brunch!
How did I almost forget to mention that I took a much needed vacation back to one of my FAVORITE places ever last week!!!! SXM suffered major devastation from Hurricane IRMA in Sept 2017. More than 80% of the buildings on the island were destroyed or damaged in some way but they are rebuilding. The AUC students went to Preston England for a semester to continue their educational journey and as I was leaving St. Maarten the school was preparing to welcome a new class back to campus on the island many of us hold dear. Even with major destruction, this island is still one of the most beautiful places ever! I'm looking forward the continued renewal of such a wonderful place.
...and THIS is what "welcomed" me back from vacation =(
Hope you enjoyed the catch up and the pics!
Until next time....