It's been FOREVER! Like, a full year kind of forever! I didn't even realize so much time went by. I had so many good intentions to update my blog but LIFE was happening at lightening speed and before I knew it, it's the END of 2021!
So lets catch up quickly...
After Residency Graduation in June 2020, my husband and I moved to Omaha, Nebraska for me to start my Fam Med OB Fellowship at Creighton University. Before Fellowship started I had to take the Family Med Board Exam that was postponed due to COVID-19. So much for a break between Residency & Fellowship. The Creighton program has a surgical focus that had a goal of preparing me to perform Cesarean sections as well as manage moderately complicated patients. We had A LOT of complicated patients. Let me tell you...clearly, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. My VERY FIRST NIGHT ON CALL a patient came in coding (cardiac arrest with active CPR in progress). In the grand scheme of things, as unfortunate as that is, it's not unheard of working in a hospital. However, I was on the OB floor--not the ER. This quickly became my problem when I found out the patient was pregnant! YIKES! I didn't even know where the Emergency Room was or how to get there. It was the middle of the night and I was the lone Physician covering OB in house at the time. Talk about being thrown into the fire! It was a very emotional experience but one that let me know this place was going to keep me on my toes for the next year. And that's exactly what happened....
Two weeks later to the day, another pregnant patient was brought to the hospital in cardiac arrest with active CPR in progress and I was on duty then as well. I again asked, what did I get myself into? Aside from these 2 patients and their unborn babies, I've dealt with lots and lots of COVID positive moms to be as well as other obstetric emergencies--placental abruptions, cord prolapses, postpartum hemorrhages, and crashing heart tones leading to emergency cesareans to name a few. To say I learned a lot this past year would be an understatement. It was a great experience and one that I'm glad I was able to undertake. The OB's and other Family Med Physicians I worked with have all been amazing teachers. I am lucky to have them as mentors, colleagues and now friends.
I never expected to end up in Nebraska but we have been pleasantly surprised with Omaha. When I applied for this program I actually had to pull up a map to see exactly where I was going, hahahaha. We are right in the middle of the USA! The city is large enough to have what we want/need but small enough that the people are still friendly and the traffic isn't terrible. Cost of living is reasonable and it feels like we're getting a good bang for our buck. If you've never been to Omaha, you should check it out; it's a hidden gem. It's a city that will quickly suck you in and before you know it, you're agreeing to stay for a while.
Along with working some crazy long hours I also managed to grow and birth my own human! I'm still not sure how I was able to work 300+ hours per month and carry around a growing life and not lose my mind or skip a beat. Our bodies are amazing and resilient. We do what we must. My son was born in August and I am so thrilled to be his mom! I delivered more than 200 babies over the past year but I must say he's definitely my biggest accomplishment and my favoriteđź’™.
After 4 years of Undergrad studies, 3 years of grad studies, 4 years of Medical School (which included living in 4 different countries with a total of 20!, yes 20 different housemates), 3 years of Residency and 1 year of Fellowship...I'm FINALLY ready to practice Medicine on my own!
What an experience this has been. It took a long time but the journey was amazing. I met my husband, crossed paths with some great people, made lifelong friends, been adopted into a few families, gained some wonderful mentors, traveled the world and learned SO MUCH! My path to Medicine has not been traditional in the least but it was perfect for me.
If the last couple years has taught us anything: it showed how short, fleeting and unpredictable life can be. Time will pass no matter what--so GO, CHASE YOUR DREAMS! Because they really can come true!
Some of my awesome colleagues this year...the ones who had my back and kept me sane :)
Happy Holidays from our family to yours!